





New Horizons. New Opportunities.




Walter E. Washington Convention Center



本大会は、"New Horizons. New Opportunities."のテーマのもと内部監査のグローバルな実践に役立つ新たな視野と新たな機会に焦点を当てています。内部監査人がこれまで以上に信頼されるアドバイザーとなり、組織に不可欠な存在へと進歩していく今、内部監査人はAIや人的資本から不正、持続可能性、サイバーセキュリティに至るまで、幅広いスキルを身につけることが求められています。



参加形式 IIA国際会員
対面形式 \269,680 \354,960
オンライン形式 \287,280 \354,960

日本内部監査協会経由でのお申込み人数の合計が10名以上になった場合、表内の割引価格が適用されます。(旧称: 団体割引)。10名に満たなかった場合は、一般参加費用が適用されますので予めご了承ください。
日本内部監査協会経由でのお申込み(旧称: 団体割引)をご希望の方は、以下よりお申込みください


参加形式 IIA国際会員
対面形式 US$2,095
オンライン形式 US$1,995




大会1日目 7月15日(火)
8:15−9:30 GS1
Opening Keynote- Innovation and Resliency
Technology & Innovation
9:30-10:45 General Session 2: State of the Profession
Audit Methodology
10:45-11:30 Networking Break
11:30-12:30 同時進行セッション: CS 1-1: CAE ONLY- Advancing ESG Reporting: Standardization Focused On Social Sustainability
※This session is reserved for only those that have registered for the CAE Stream with International Conference.
Chief Audit Executive ONLY Track
CS 1-2: Data Analytics: The benefits of developing from basic analytics to AIR
Technology & Innovation
CS 1-3 Purpose-Driven Internal Audit: Grounded Yet Flexible Mindset for Meaningful Impact
CS 1-4 Internal audit KPIs are crucial for measuring performance, strengthening relationships, and b
Audit Methodology
CS 1-5 The Global DEI Landscape: Auditing Across Cultures
Audit Methodology
CS 1-6 Is ESG Bad for the Environment?
CS 1-7 The Role of AI in Internal Audit Revolution
Artificial Intelligence
CS 1-8 El papel de la IA en la revolucion de la auditoria interna
Spanish Track
12:30-13:45 Lunch
※Welcome Break with Coffee (Executive Members Only)
12:30 PM-1:00 PM
13:45-14:45 CS 2-1 [CAE Stream] Practical Approaches to Board to Ensure Internal Audit Delivers Value
Chief Audit Executive ONLY Track
CS 2-2 Creating a Culture of Innovation with Value Based Internal Audit!
Technology & Innovation
CS 2-3 Integrated Assurance in BANI World
Audit Methodology
CS 2-4 Ethical Considerations in Technology Driven Auditing
Audit Methodology
CS 2-5 Emerging AI Risks
Artificial Intelligence
CS 2-6 AI-Powered Risk Management: Unleashing the Potential for Internal Audit Leaders
CS 2-7 Shaping Our Tomorrow: A Comprehensive Review of Results on Vision 2035
CS 2-8 Dando forma a nuestro manana: una revision exhaustiva de los resultados de Vision 2035
Spanish Track
14:45-15:00 Transition Break
15:00-16:00 CS 3-1 [CAE ONLY]- Open Forum Roundtable- Learn From your Peers
Chief Audit Executive ONLY Track
CS 3-2 Revolutionizing Internal Audit: The Rise of Generative AI and Its Dual Edge
Artificial Intelligence
CS 3-3 Financial Services Risks
Audit Methodology
CS 3-4
CS 3-5 The Impact of 5 Principles of the Control Environment
CS 3-6 A Seat on the Table: CAEs and Boardroom Effectiveness
Audit Methodology
CS 3-7 Identification and Assessment of Potential Emerging Risk
Audit Methodology
CS 3-8 Identificacion y evaluacion de riesgos emergentes potenciales
Spanish Track
16:00-16:45 Networking Break
16:45-17:45 CS 4-1 [CAE ONLY] Developing a comprehensive learning plan
Chief Audit Executive ONLY Track
CS 4-2 Critical Success Factors for a Guest Auditor Program
Audit Methodology
CS 4-3 Understanding Quality Assessments 2024 and Beyond
Audit Methodology
CS 4-4 Auditing the "Off-limits" of an Organization
Audit Methodology
CS 4-5 Quantum Cryptography and the Future of Privacy Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
CS 4-6 Cyber Risk Assurance and Advisory - Positioning Internal Audit to Drive Value Creation
Technology & Innovation
CS 4-7 From Vulnerability to Vigilance: Building an Effective Fraud Risk Management Program
CS 4-8 De la vulnerabilidad a la vigilancia: Creacion de un programa eficaz de gestion
Spanish Track
19:00-22:00 Exclusive Social Event
大会2日目 7月16日(水)
7:00−8:15 Continental Breakfast and Networking
8:15-9:30 General Session 3
9:30-9:45 Transition Break
9:45-10:45 同時進行セッション: CS 5-1 [CAE Stream]Automation of Fraud Risk Management-A Fusion of People, Processes and Technology
Chief Audit Executive ONLY Track
CS 5-2 Emotions meet AI: Tech-Driven Leadership
Technology & Innovation
CS 5-3 History Repeats: A Case of Ethical Governance Gaps in Uganda
Audit Methodology
CS 5-4: Simplifying Complexity: Strategies for Navigating Cyber Compliance Standards Pt1
Technology & Innovation
CS 5-5 Debate: Are Independence and Objectivity an Illusion?
Audit Methodology
CS 5-6 AdvAnCE - Strengthen Oversight Today, For a Safer Tomorrow
Artificial Intelligence
CS 5-7 IA in the Digital Transformation Age - Navigating the Impacts
Technology & Innovation
CS 5-8 IA en la era de la transformacion digital: sortear los impactos
Spanish Track
10:45-11:30 Networking Break
11:30-12:30 CS 6-1 [CAE Stream] Earn Your Seat at the C-Suite Table by Auditing AI
Chief Audit Executive ONLY Track
CS 6-2 Leveraging Machine Learning for Internal Audit
Artificial Intelligence
CS 6-3 ESG/SEC Climate Risk Ruling
CS 6-4: Inside the Trenches: Deep Dive into Cybersecurity Incident Response Case Study, PT 2
Technology & Innovation
CS 6-5: Internal Audit Strategy: Why Important. Key Components. How to Make It Work.
Audit Methodology
CS 6-6 Under the Spotlight: Detecting Red Flags and Exposing Business Blind Spots
CS 6-7 Privacy By Design from an Assurance and Trusted Advisor perspective
Audit Methodology
CS 6-8 Privacidad desde el diseno desde la perspectiva de un asesor de aseguramiento de confianza
Spanish Track
12:30-13:15 Lunch
13:45-14:45 CS 7-1 [CAE Stream] Panel: New Frontiers of AI
Chief Audit Executive ONLY Track
CS 7-2 Pschological Safety
Audit Methodology
CS 7-3 Rights Under Review: The Impact of Auditing Human Rights
Audit Methodology
CS 7-4 Greenwashing/Fraud
CS 7-5: Governance of Generative AI: A Comprehensive Approach
Artificial Intelligence
CS 7-6 5 Steps to Stronger Data Defense and Compliance
Technology & Innovation
CS 7-7 Be Agile or Die
Audit Methodology
CS 7-8 Agilidad o muerte
Spanish Track
14:45-15:00 Tranistion Break
15:00-16:30 CS 8-1 CAE ONLY: CAPEX Project Auditing Considerations
Audit Methodology
CS 8-2 Sustainable Sustainability: Why Systems Based on Regulations and Incentives are Ineffective
CS 8-3: Cybersecurity Disclosures and Regulatory Reporting
Technology & Innovation
CS 8-4: AI & IA: Trick or Treat in Fighting Financial Crime?
Artificial Intelligence
CS 8-5 On the Horizon: Leading Integrated Risk and Assurance
Audit Methodology
CS 8-6
CS 8-7 Creating and Scaling Internal Audit Data Analytics Function
Technology & Innovation
CS 8-8 Crear y ampliar la funcion de analisis de datos de auditoria interna
Spanish Track
16:30-16:30 Networking Break
16:30-17:30 General Session 4: Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
Artificial Intelligence
大会3日目 7月17日(木)
8:30−9:45 General session 5
9:45-10:30 Networking Break
10:30-12:00 Closing Keynote

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